Sunday, September 21, 2014

All the King's Men: 1949

I'm halfway through All the King's Men, and it's difficult to continue. The film is based on a novel (with the same title), and it's about Willie Stark, a self-described hick who ends up running for governor and becoming corrupt, despite initially running on a platform of honesty. Stark becomes the consummate politician, making deals with corporations and using his connections to take down anyone who stands in his way. As the story progresses, Stark's son drives drunk and kills the girl in his car. Of course, Stark tries to cover things up, changing the police report and handling the girl's father. Stark cheats on his wife with a woman who works for him, and then he cheats on his lover. He even takes over the radio stations and newspapers to manipulate the truth.

Earlier, Stark ran for a small town position, and a newspaper reporter ends up covering his attempt. The reporter, Jack, acts as the narrator throughout the film, chronicling Stark's rise to fame and corruption. After losing his job at his newspaper, Jack begins working for Stark and seems to lose his soul as the corruption grows worse. Initially, Jack thinks Stark is only doing what he has to do to make things happen, but at this point, he's starting to realize that Stark has crossed a line. He's changed. And he's become a complete drunk.

I'll finish watching this one, but it won't be with much pleasure. The film is well put together, and I don't doubt the Academy's decision to select the film as best picture, but the story is disgusting because of the people. Stark is despicable, and Jack is worse because he allows Stark to continue. Anne, initially Jack's love interest who is later conquered, or perhaps captured, by Stark, doesn't seem to realize what a horrible person Stark really is. She's looking for someone ambitious, it seems, and when she professes to love Stark, she says she won't force him to divorce his wife because it would be "bad for his career." I think I dislike her the most because she uses love to make it seem like whatever he does is fine.

What I'm having the most trouble with understanding is why does Jack stay with him. It doesn't make any sense. Jack clearly sees the real Stark, but he doesn't seem to do anything about it. It's infuriating.

At least I have All About Eve coming up next.

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